Carbon Cycle Data
- Global atmospheric CO2 data from NOAA GML
- Global Carbon Budget Papers, Graphics and Data
- Global Carbon Atlas (Explore global carbon budget data; focus on emissions)
- Ocean Carbon Data from NOAA
- Animation of CO2 sources and sinks across the globe over a year from NASA
Carbon Cycle Learning Resources
- The global carbon cycle, from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- NASA Earth Observatory (Carbon Cycle Background)
- Carbon Connections – online curriculum for 9-12 students
Climate and Climate Change Resources
- Temperature synthesis from NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
- NASA Global Climate Change
- NASA Eyes on the Earth on the greenhouse effect
- NASA global warming FAQ
- NOAA on studying Earth’s past climate
- Models, videos, online course from David Archer at U. Chicago
National and International Climate Research and Synthesis Activities
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- Fourth National Climate Assessment, USA
- US Global Change Research Program
- Global Carbon Project